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Outside Tips

Outside Conservation Tips

The RFWSD customers recieve irrigation water from either a secondary source of non-potable water or from the District’s domestic water supply.  Customers who are utilizing the District’s potable water may be concerned with higher water bills during the irrigation season.  To help reduce the amount of water you are using outside the home, which will reduce the amount you pay each quarter for water, we suggest you review the following conservation tips.

Plan ahead 

Conserving water begins while you are designing your landscape plan.  There are many beautiful trees, plants and grasses native to Colorado that thrive on far less water than other species.  Incorporating these drought tolerant plants into your landscape from the beginning will reduce the amount of water needed in the future to maintain them.  If your landscape has already been established, it is not too late to begin transition in some of these water-efficient plants.

Limit the area of irrigation 

Many of our customers live in communities where there are limitations on the area of lawn irrigated. Additionally, once established the native grasses that surround these lawns should survive exclusively on Colorado rainfall and only need watering if it has been an unusually dry spring.  For the irrigation limitation on your lot as well as the recommended native grass mixture, please contact our office.

Water during the cooler parts of the day 

Early morning is generally better than dusk since it helps to prevent growth of fungus.  Also, avoid watering on windy days.

Deep-soak your lawn 

Watering down to the roots of the grass will promote deep root systems.

Water your lawn only when it needs it 

A good way to see if your lawn needs watering is to step on the grass.  If it springs back up when you move, it doesn't need watering.  This may require monitoring your sprinkler settings periodically throughout the summer months.  INSTALL A RAIN SENSOR

Check for leaks 

It is not uncommon for leaks to occur in your irrigation system, which could lead to an increased water bill.  The leaks may not always be obvious, so it is a good idea to check for leaks in pipes, hoses, faucets and couplings each month.

Follow the RFWSD’s voluntary Watering Schedule 

Once established, you should be able to maintain a healthy lawn watering just three times per week.

Address Ending in Odd Number:  Sunday, Wednesday, Friday

Address Ending in Even Number:  Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Limit other outside uses 

Water outside the home is also used for washing cars, cleaning sidewalks and cooling off in a pool or sprinkler.  It is important to remember to turn the water off during these activities whenever you are not using it.  When washing your car, don't leave the hose running.  Clean the car with a pail of soapy water while the water is turned off, and then use the hose to rinse the car off.  Use a broom, not a hose to clean driveways and sidewalks.

Whether you are using the District’s water for irrigation or you have a secondary source, you can participate in conservation of our precious resource.

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